CHARITIS is a humanitarian organization whose main objective is to participate in the search for means and actions to reduce human misery.
In addition, we are giving ourselves the means to invest ourselves sustainably in the respect and promotion of human rights, respect for the environment and improvement of the living environment, social justice, population health, education, The direction and entrepreneurship (promotion of young entrepreneurs and creation of income-generating activities).
The aims of the humanitarian NGO CHARITIS are apolitical and not

We are present
Abidjan, Ivory Coast
CHARITIS was born from the will of men and women passionate about charity and inclined to bring more color, warmth and happiness to their neighbor.
Charitis comes from the French word " charity »Which translates kindness, love, sharing, benevolence and the English word " Charity Which refers to a charity.
Charitis is pronounced: Caritis (the " h Is silent)