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I firmly believe that no one has the right to be happy alone.  

However, this world deeply disjointed and disoriented by the standards of social and professional success, often force us to look only at our challenges and personal challenges.


There is no course or diploma  receive out of charity. You just have to give. You don't have to be opulent to be benevolent, you just have to share.


CHARITIS is one of the responses to the challenges of this century and the deadlines to come. Keep the flame of hope alive in the face of human miseries fueled by indifference. Stimulator  and promote various opportunities to give everyone the right to proudly exercise their talent.


I will always say it, I'm passionate  of Charity and my credo can best be summed up in this statement by André-Marie AMPERE  :


"  I will have everything we could wish for in the world to be happy, I would miss all the happiness of others  ".

Guy Stéphane AYEMOU

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