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Any new recruit joins CHARITIS as a sympathizer. This is a revisable provisional statute  every six months.


This position is also granted to anyone who  for reasons of remoteness or health or for any other legitimate reason, cannot attend regularly the meetings of the NGO, but who wishes  however maintain its affiliation.



You are a student or looking for a job; you can integrate CHARITIS and bring your dynamism and your joie de vivre.

Active members

Active members benefit  of all the rights and privileges of CHARITIS. The rights include for the member, if he fulfills the conditions, the possibility to exercise any of the functions within the NGO and the right to vote on all the questions which require only a vote of the members.


As for obligations, they include attendance, rapid contributions, participation in activities and people likely to give a favorable opinion of CHARITIS in the community.


You are not  not able to participate fully in the life of the organization  as an active member, but you want  support the NGO in carrying out its community service actions.  

The member designated as benefactor does not have the right to vote and has no obligation in terms of contributions.  


If this profile suits you, on said Akwaba (welcome)!

Junior Charity

CHARITIS is also accessible to children from 12 years old with parental authorization.


The objective of this specialized course is to allow children to develop the spirit of sharing and animation.  


Together we can change our world.

Before committing yourself, we suggest you read
Our Statutes & Internal Regulations .

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